Anything but ordinary


You can find the materials here.

Some images I use are group-shared. If anyone knows of the artist, please let me know.

Thanks to the artists and the tubers for their hard work.

The tubes are from sassyillusions, dragonblu and MCC (MCC shares her tubes at Resistire Shares).

5 tubes
2 backgrounds: scrap3_pnl (from Elusive) and 12801_015
1 brush: vcbrush40 001
2 fonts: a_BentoCm and Shortcut
Filter Adjust, variations, here
Filter Xero, Improver, here (set 3)
Filter DSB Flux, Spider Web, here
Filters Unlimited 2.0, here

Preparation :
Open your fonts
and put the brush and the brush tip in the right map
(PSP X1 and X2: Corel_01).


Take the arrow to know where you are in the tutorial.

1. File, new image 800 x 600 pixels transparent and rename this layer background

2. Put your foreground color to #406fc0 and the background color to #0d2c68

3. Selection, Custom selection

4. as follows

5. Fill with foreground color

6. Right-click on your layer palette, Promote selection to layer

7. Fill with dark background color (right mouse button)

8. Effects, plug-ins, DSB Flux, Spider Web as follows

9. Adjust, Brightness and Contrast, Clarify 15

10. Layer palette, blend mode, Luminance (old)

11. Selections, Invert

12. Right-click on your layer palette, Promote selection to layer

13. Put this layer as bottom layer

14. Fill with color #ead9b2

15. Layers, Duplicate

16. Open the backgroundscrap3_pnl, Copy and paste into selection

17. Layer palette, blend mode, Luminance (old) and reduce the opacity to 31%

18. Selections, select none

19. Layers, New raster layer

20. Put your foreground color to #b5966f

21. Load the brush vcbrush40 001 as follows

and place to the right as follows

22. Layers, Duplicate

23. Image, Mirror

24. Layers, Merge, Merge down

25. Select the top layer in your layer palette

26. Make this layer invisible by clicking the visibility toggle (the eye) in your layer palette

27. Click with the magic wand in the blue part

28. Make the top layer visible again

29. Layers, New raster layer

30. Take the tube blue night bridge, select the bottom bridge and paste into selection

31. Layer palette, blend mode, Screen and Opacity 91%

32. Selections, select none

33. Open background 12801_015

34. Right-click in your layer palette on the background layer (of 12801_015) and select Promote Backgound Layer

35. Effects, plug-ins, I.C. NET Software, Filters Unlimited 2.0, Special Effects 1, Radar, standard settings

36. Image, Resize, 62%

37. Edit, Copy, paste as new layer

38. Layer palette, blend mode, Difference

39. Layers, New raster layer

40. Selections, Select All

41. Selections, Modify, Contract 25 pixels

42. Open the tube decobulles, copy, paste into selection

43. Selections, Select none

44. Layer palette, blend mode, Screen and opacity at 75%

45. Open the tube Mist_Scenery265_dragonblu0508

46. Image, Resize, 120%

47. Edit, Copy, paste as new layer

48. Open the tube half moon-the goddess and select the layer Capa 2

49. Image, Resize, 65%

50. Copy and paste as new layer

51. effects, image effects, offset, horizontal -245, vertical -145

52. Layer palette, blend mode, Luminance (old)

53. Layers, new raster layer

54. Select in the toolbar Tools the ellipse tool

set the background color tranparent and draw a circle

55. Place this circle as shown below

56. Objects, Convert to path

57. Select Text tool and en choose the font a_BentoCm, size 45 pixels

58. Switch your background color to white and lock the foreground color

59. Position the cursor over the line of the circle so that you can see a curved line below the 'A'

60. Type your text. As you can see, the text follows the shape of the circle.

61. Use your Move Tool to position the text at the right place.

62. Make the path (the circle you have drawn) invisible by clicking the visibility toggle (the eye) in your layer palette

63. Right-click in your layer palette on the textlayer (Vector). Convert to raster layer

64. Effects, 3D-effect, Drop shadow as follows

65. Layers, New raster layer

66. Switch your background color to black and lock the foreground color

67. Activate the text tool again and choose the font Shortcut, size 70 pixels

68. Type your text and stretch horizontally to have a nice effect

69. Effects, 3D-effects, Drop shadow with the same settings as above

70. Layer palette, blend mode, Burn

71. Open the tube sassyillusions_blonde15

72. Image, Resize, 85%

73. Copy and paste as new layer

74. Use your Move Tool to position the tube

75. Layers, Duplicate

76. Select the bottom layer of these two layers

77. Adjust, Blur, Gaussian blur, 20

78. Image, Add borders, 3 pixels, color #b5966f

79. Effects, Plug-ins, Adjust variations, midtones checked and fine 1 mark. Click original once, 1x more red

80. Effects, Plug-ins, Xero improver, 10 -10 -10 landscape

81. Don't forget your signature and save as jpg.

This is an extra example made by An Creatief


Lesson Anything but ordinary was written on september 11, 2008


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