

For the materials, click here.
The tubes are from @nn, gerry, crystal and angie.
Thank you ladies for letting me use them

4 tubes
1 brush
1 WordArt
3 fonts
Filter Penta.com, dot & cross, here
Filter Graphics Plus, Cross Shadow, here
Filter AAAFrames, Texture frame, here
Filter Simple, Quick Tile, here
Filter Xero Porcelain, here

Preparation :
Open your fonts
and place the brush and brush tip in de right map
(PSP X1 en X2: Corel_01).


Take the arrow to know where you were in the tutorial.

1. File, new image, 800 x 600 pixels, transparent

2. Foreground color #d78d51 and background color #d3d4c6

3. Flood fill with color #d78d51

4. Effects, plug-ins, Graphics Plus, Cross Shadow as follows

5. Selections, Select all

6. Selections, Modify, Contract, 15 pixels

7. Effects, plug-ins, Penta.com, Dot and Cross as follows

8. Selections, Invert

9. Effects, plug-ins, AAAframes, Texture Frame as follows

10. Selections, Select none

11. Layers, New Raster Layer

12. Swap fore- and background color

13. Selection, Custom selection

14. as follows

15. Fill the selection with color #d3d4c6

16. Effects, 3D effects, Drop shadow 6 - 3 -37 - 25 black

17. Selections, select none

18. Change the background color to #604e3a.

19. Effects, Plug-ins, Filter Simple, Quick Tile

20. Layers, New Raster Layer

21. Swap foreground color and background color and lock your foreground color

22. Select in the toolbar Tools the ellipse tool, make a circle and place as follows

23. Effects, 3D effects, Drop schadow 6 - 3 - 50 - 5 black

24. Layers, Arrange, Move down

25. Select in your layer palette the top layer

26. Layers, New Raster Layer

27. Change your foreground color to black

28. Draw a random rectangle

29. Put the setting in your tool options palette as follows

30. Rename this layer Square 1

31. Layers, Duplicate

32. Effects, Image Effects, offset as follows

33. Rename this layer Square 2

34. Layers, Duplicate

35. Effects, Image Effects, offset with the same settings as above

36. Rename this layer Square 3

37. Select in your layer palette Square 1

38. Open the tube F-DEC2007-20

39. Image, Resize, 45 %

40. Copy and paste as new layer

41. Place the tube as follows

42. Select again Square 1 in the layer palette

43. Click with the magic wand tool in the square

44. Selections, Invert

45. Select the layer with the tube and hit delete

46. Selections, Select none

47. Layers, Duplicate

48. Go to the lowest of these two layers in your layer palette

49. Adjust, Blur, Gaussian blur, 51

50. Select in your layer palette Square 2

51. Open the tube @nn_210607_photos_094_angelinaJ2_tdstudio_small

52. Image, Resize, 60 %

53. Copy and paste as a new layer

54. Place the tube in the second square

55. Select again Square 2 in your layer palette

56. Click with the magic wand tool in the square

57. Selections, Invert

58. Select the layer with the tube and hit delete

59. Selections, Select none

60. Layers, Duplicate

61. Go to the lowest of these two layers in your layer palette

62. Adjust, Blur, Gaussian blur, 51

63. Select in your layer palette Square 3

64. Open the tube Gerry-Lady66-5december2007

65. Image, Resize, 35 %

66. Copy and paste as a new layer

67. Place the tube in the third square

68. Select again Square 3 in your layer palette

69. Click with the magic wand tool in the square

70. Selections, Invert

71. Select the layer with the tube and hit delete

72. Selections, Select none

73. Layers, Duplicate

74. Go to the lowest of these two layers in your layer palette

75. Adjust, Blur, Gaussian blur, 51

76. Select in your layer palette the top layer

77. Layers, New Raster Layer

78. Take the brush @-EPS030-12 as follows

79. Put the foreground color to #d78d51 and place the brush a few times in the circle

80. Effects, Distortion effects, Wind, from left, strenght 100

81. Effects, Distortion effects, Wind, from right, strenght 100

82. Layer palette, Blend mode, Dodge

83. Take the tube ©crystal_H30806

84. Image, Resize, 120 %

85. Copy and paste as new layer

86. Effects, Image effects, Offset as follows

87. Effects, Plug-ins, Film and Filters, as follows (color #ffdaad)

88. Layers, Duplicate

89. Layer palette, select the lowest of these two layers

90. Adjust, Blur, Gaussian blur, 5

91. Select in your layer palette the bottom layer

92. Layers, New raster layer

93. Place your brush 5 times in the orange part as shown on example

94. Layer palette, Blend mode, Dodge

95. Layer palette, Select layer raster 2

96. Layers, New raster layer for the text

97. Select the text tool, switch your font to LoversQuarrelROB, 320 pixels,
background color white, foreground color locked and type the "W"

98. Switch your font to EgyptienneF65-Bold, 60 pixels and type "o.m.e.n"

99. Open the WordArt, copy and paste

100. Place the WordArt as shown on the example

101. Layers, Merge, merge all

102. Effects, Plug-ins, Xero Porcelain, as follows

103. Don't forget your signature and save as jpg.


This is an extra example made by An Creatief


Les Women was written on June 8, 2008


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